Combo Boxes

Combo boxes on a web page are much like lists of items, from which you can select one thing.  In a "Days of the Week" combo box, you can down arrow to or hit the firstr letter of the name of the item you want, and then hit the Tab key to move to the next item on the web page.  The universal key command to get to a combo box is the lettter "c."  There may be more than one combo box on a web page, so you can experiment by hitting the letter "c" again-and-again.  If you want to move backwardds through the combo boxes on a webpage, press and hold down the Shift key and hit the letter "c."  On some screen readers you will need to go into "Forms Mode" to use the combo box.  Another method is to press and hold down the Alt key and hit the down arrow one time to drop down the list of items on the combo box.  If you are on a familiar combo box, hit the first letter of the name of the item you want to select--you may need to hit the letter more than one time.  When you reach the item you want, hit Tab to move to the next item on the web page.  Practice moving to and through the following comboxes.  At the end of the page is the "BACK" link which will take you back to the "Internet Lessons" web page.