General Behavior Goals

Given direction and modeling, ____ will return to task with three prompts, nine out of ten times.

Given direction and modeling, ____ will return to task with two prompts, nine out of ten times.

Given direction and modeling, ____ will return to task with one prompt, nine out of ten times.

Given direction and modeling, ____ will appropriately inform staff of frustration, nine out of ten times.

Given care and handeling instruction for a specific piece of equipment, ____ will appropriately care for that piece of equipment, 100% of the time.

Given school/program policy and procedures, ____ will follow all rules and guidelines for hardware use, 100% of the time.

Given school/program policy and procedures, ____ will follow all rules and guidelines for software and internet use, 100% of the time.

Given specific directives, ____ will not loan a school/program item or give his/her login to others, 100% of the time.